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(205) 985-0626
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Pelham, AL 35124
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Pelham AL Obituaries and Death Notices

Stallings Jr., Ted Michael -

Monday, March 27, 2017

Sheila Hicks and husband, Eric of Chatham, Va.; his sons, Michael Stallings of Eden, N.C., and Charlie Stallings of Danville; his sister, Sherry Cook and husband, Steve of Pelham, N.C.; his brothers, Dwayne Stallings of Pelham and Mike Godfrey of Yukon, Oklahoma; and his grandchildren, Colten Ross, Brantley Hicks, and Dylan Stallings. In addition to his father, Mr. Stallings was preceded in death by his maternal grandparents, Eva Haymore Moss and Forest Haymore. A memorial service will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday, March 26, 2017, at Norris Mt. Hermon Chapel, with the Rev. Michael Kent officiating. The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 2:30 until 3:30 p.m. prior to the service, and at other times at his mother's home, 236 Beavers Mill Road, Apt. B, Danville, VA 24540. Norris Funeral Services, Inc. & Crematory, Mt. Hermon Chapel, 3995 Franklin Tpke., Danville, Va. is respectfully serving the Stallings family. Online condolences may be made at .ndn_floatContainer { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; }...

HOUSE ACCOUNT - Ad from 2016-12-10 - Ledger Independent

Monday, December 12, 2016

Study Thursdays 6:30 p.m.•Terence Taylor, PastorBrOOkSViLLe BAPtiStBrooksville, ky.9:45 am S.S.; 10:45 am Fellowship; 11:00 am6:15 p.m., Worship; Wed. 7 pm Prayer•Tony Cox, PastorcALVArY BAPtiSt410 Pelham Street - Maysville, ky.2529 ginger ridge roadManchester, Ohio 45144Phone: 937-779-910710 am S.S.; Worship,11 am; Sun. evening Worship6 p.m. at Calvary. Wed. Night Service-6 p.m. Study on revelations •Doug Shelton, PastorcentrAL BAPtiSt437 central Avenue9:30 am S.S.; 10:45 am, 6 p.m. Worship, 6:30 p.m.Wed.•Rev. Mark Powell, PastorcrOSSrOADS BAPtiSt church6957 HWY 11, Maysville, Ky. •606-301-390110:00 am S.S.; 11:00 am Morn. Wor., 7 p.m. Even.Wor., 7:00 p.m. Wed. Prayer; Youth Mtgs. Wed.evenings 7:00 p.m.•Daniel Riggs, PastorDOVer BAPtiStDover, ky.10 am Sunday School; Morning Worship 11 am.•Levi Gallagher, PastoreWing BAPtiSt church1676 ewing rd., ewing (Fleming)Sunday School 9:45 am; Worship Service 11:00am; Children, Youth & Adult Bible Studies 5:30p.m.; Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:00 p.m.•Keith Abrams, PastorMAYSViLLe FirSt BAPtiSt church315 upper Market St., Maysville, ky.Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Worship at 10:30a.m.; Sunday Evening 6 p.m.; Wednesday night 6p.m.•Pastor, Tony LiessFLeMingSBurg BAPtiSt church1856 elizaville rd., FlemingsburgS.S. 10 am; Sun. Wor. Serv. 11 am & 6 p.m.; Wed.night Prayer 7 p.m.heSeLtOn BAPtiSt churchVanceburgSun. School. 10 am; Worship. 11 am; Sun. Eve.6pm; Wed. 6pm Bible Study. •Rusty Pruitt, PastorVictOrY BAPtiSt church128 cherry grove road, FlemingsburgPh: 423-315-1778.Sun. Morn. Service - 11 a.m.• Shawn Meade, PastorFOxPOrt BAPtiSt church2048 Foxport road, Wallingford, ky.S.S. 10 am; Sun. Wor. Serv. 11 am & 6 p.m.; Wed.night Prayer 6 p.m. Everyone Welcome!Children’s church•Pastor, Harry MeadowsgeOrgetOWn BAPtiSt church794 S. Main Street, Georgetown, Oh. •937378-3587Sun. school 9:45 am; Worship 11 am; Youth Sun.eve, 6 p.m.; Sun. eve. worship 7 p.m., Wed. eve. 7p.m.; Wed. Team Kid for Children, 7 p.m.Wed.youth mtg. 7 p.m. Nursery providedgerMAntOWn BAPtiStgermantown, ky.10 am S.S.; Worship 11 am.grAce BAPtiStLewisburg, Ky. •407-3869 •742-232910 am S.S.; 11 am Worship; 6 pm Sun. Eve.; 7pm Wed. Eve.•Larry Manning, PastorLeWiSBurg BAPtiStLewisburg, ky.10 am S.S.; 11 am, 6:00 p.m. worship, 7:00 Wed.prs. & Bible Study. •Jonathan S. Groves, PastorMAY'S Lick BAPtiStMay's Lick, ky.S. S. 10 am, Worship 11 & 6:00 p.m., Wed. prayer& Bible Study 7:00 p.m. •Kevin Cornette, PastorMinerVA BAPtiSt churchMinerva, ky.10 am S.S.; 11:00 am Sun. Wor., 6 p.m. Wed. &Sun. Eve. Wor.; 6:00 p.m. Wed. B.S.•Rev. Paul GrayMt. OLiVet BAPtiSt173 north Main St. - Mt. Olivet, ky. 41064Parsonage: 606-742-5580cell: 606-375-9370harrybrooks2014@gmail.comS.S. 10 am; Worship 11 am.•Rev. Harry L. Brooks, PastorMt. PiSgAh BAPtiStLewisburg, ky.10 am, S.S.; 11 p.m., Reg. Worship Service•Randy Taylor, PastorMt. PiSgAh BAPtiStFairview, Ky. • (606) 202-1783S.S. 9:45 am; Worship Service 10:50 am; Wed.Bible Study - 7 p.m.Mt. ZiOn BAPtiSt churchMt. carmel rd., Flemingsburg, ky.Bible Study Sun. 10:00; Reg. Worship Service11:00 am•Roy E. Webb, PastorPLAinVieW BAPtiSt9633 Mason-Lewis rd., Maysville, ky.Sun. School 10:00 a.m. Morning Services 11:00a.m. Evening Services - 7:00 p.m. Weds. Prayer- 7:00 p.m.•Albert Simmons, PastorPOPLAr FLAt churchPoplar Flat rd., Lewis countyS.S. 9:30 am; Morn. Wor. 10:45 am; Evening Wor.6 p.m.; Tues. Night Prayer Meeting 7 p.m.POWerSViLLe BAPtiSt churchhwy. #10 & #19, Powersville, ky.606-735-3239Sun.School10AM; Morn.Wors.11AM;•Micah Liess, Pastor•Tom Castsslr, DeaconSecOnD BAPtiStMay's Lick, ky., 5005 raymond road10am Sunday School; 11:30am Morning Worship7:00pm Wed Prayer Line/Bible Study at 712-4321500 Access Code: 333990#•Rev. L. Rodney Bennett, PastorStOneLick BAPtiSt8323 Stonelick, rd., Maysville, kYSunday Sschool 9:45am; Sunday MorningWorship, 10:45am, Sunday Evening Worship 5pm•Norman Patterson, PastoruniOn BAPtiSt church8102 kY 344, Vanceburg, ky.Sun. Worship, 7 pm; S.S. 10 am; Wed. Bible Study7 p.m.WAShingtOn MiSSiOnArY BAPtiSt church504 clark Street, Maysville, ky.Wed. Choir Practice 7 p.m.; Wed. Bible Study 6p.m.; Sun. School 9:30 am; Church Service 11:15am•Rev. Darrell Ashby, PastorWiLLOW BAPtiSt church2535 Powersville-Willow rd.-...

Judith Johnston

Monday, November 21, 2016

Kathryn Louise Bowers.Survivors include her children, W. Tyler Clark and his Partner Derek Harrison of Innsbrück, Austria, K. Thad Clark of Bartlesville, C. Sean Clark and his wife Tisha G. of Pelham, NY, and R. Cameron Clark and his wife Alison B of Bartlesville, a brother B. Kirk Bowers and his wife, Loretta L. of Peggs and a sister Christa R. Thompson and her husband W. Craig, of Broken Arrow, and 20 grandchildren.In lieu of flowers, donations in Karen’s name may be sent to the Bartlesville Art Association, 201 S. Cherokee Ave., Bartlesville, OK 74003.A Memorial Service for Karen will be held at 11:00 am Wednesday, November 23, 2016 in the Church of Jesus Christ chapel at 1501 S. Swan Drive in Bartlesville, Oklahoma under the direction of Arnold Moore & Neekamp Funeral Home.

Jefferson, Shelby obituraries for Sept. 19: Former attorney, newspaper editor was a 'gentle giant' -

Monday, September 12, 2016

David Lloyd Miller died Sept. 15, 2014 at the age of 66.A resident of Pelham, Miller had a career as an attorney after earning his Juris Doctor from the University of Alabama School of Law in 1977.During his time in Tuscaloosa, he worked as s sportscaster for WCFT-TV and did weekly interviews with Bear Bryant and other coaching greats.He had a love of music, especially Hawaiian and gospel, and served as the Associate Pastor and Worship Minister at Community Baptist Church in Maylene.Miller also worked as the editor of the Moundville Times from 2010-2013.Lisa Rasco, his assistant at the Times, said Miller was easy to work for, and their relationship was more of a friendship more than workship."People thought with his voice he was a big gruff bear, but he had a really good heart," Rasco said.She remembered a prayer he led at her surprise birthday party at the office. "By the time he was finished, we were all crying," she said."I can't express how big his heart was," she said. "He was easygoing and laid back."He loved his Coke and Mr. Goodbars, even though...

Town of Culpeper has changed a lot since 1960 -

Monday, September 05, 2016

Culpeper Memorial Hospital (lower left) was opened.The shot faces south with Sunset Lane at the bottom of the picture and U.S. 29 the highway to the right.There is no Lake Pelham, no Holiday Inn, no Three Flags subdivision nor any of the other commercial and residential areas there now. Even the U.S. 29 Bypass was still almost a decade away.The complex to the lower right is the Northern Piedmont Electric Cooperative (Rappahannock Electric), which left this site for Lovers Lane about five years ago. The Reformation Lutheran Church is being built there now.Rappahannock Electric was built on the site of Meadowbrook Dairy, which was owned and operated by the Saunders family (Charles and Carter) and destroyed in an explosion and fire in the early 1950s.The entire area, from the bottom of the photo to the first small tree line, was part of Meadowbrook Farm. The family home, which still stands today, is in the small grove of trees just up from Rappahannock Electric and to the left of U.S. 29. What would become Laurel Street is just below it.The house at the bottom of the photo was built by Ruby Beck, who also built and operated the Boxwood House Restaurant and Motel about two miles south on U.S. 29.Beck, a self-made woman, was one of Culpeper’s most prominent black busine...

Funeral Home Flowers

Pelham News

Stallings Jr., Ted Michael -

Monday, March 27, 2017

Sheila Hicks and husband, Eric of Chatham, Va.; his sons, Michael Stallings of Eden, N.C., and Charlie Stallings of Danville; his sister, Sherry Cook and husband, Steve of Pelham, N.C.; his brothers, Dwayne Stallings of Pelham and Mike Godfrey of Yukon, Oklahoma; and his grandchildren, Colten Ross, Brantley Hicks, and Dylan Stallings. In addition to his father, Mr. Stallings was preceded in death by his maternal grandparents, Eva Haymore Moss and Forest Haymore. A memorial service will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday, March 26, 2017, at Norris Mt. Hermon Chapel, with the Rev. Michael Kent officiating. The family will receive friends at the funeral home from 2:30 until 3:30 p.m. prior to the service, and at other times at his mother's home, 236 Beavers Mill Road, Apt. B, Danville, VA 24540. Norris Funeral Services, Inc. & Crematory, Mt. Hermon Chapel, 3995 Franklin Tpke., Danville, Va. is respectfully serving the Stallings family. Online condolences may be made at .ndn_floatContainer { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; }...

HOUSE ACCOUNT - Ad from 2016-12-10 - Ledger Independent

Monday, December 12, 2016

Study Thursdays 6:30 p.m.•Terence Taylor, PastorBrOOkSViLLe BAPtiStBrooksville, ky.9:45 am S.S.; 10:45 am Fellowship; 11:00 am6:15 p.m., Worship; Wed. 7 pm Prayer•Tony Cox, PastorcALVArY BAPtiSt410 Pelham Street - Maysville, ky.2529 ginger ridge roadManchester, Ohio 45144Phone: 937-779-910710 am S.S.; Worship,11 am; Sun. evening Worship6 p.m. at Calvary. Wed. Night Service-6 p.m. Study on revelations •Doug Shelton, PastorcentrAL BAPtiSt437 central Avenue9:30 am S.S.; 10:45 am, 6 p.m. Worship, 6:30 p.m.Wed.•Rev. Mark Powell, PastorcrOSSrOADS BAPtiSt church6957 HWY 11, Maysville, Ky. •606-301-390110:00 am S.S.; 11:00 am Morn. Wor., 7 p.m. Even.Wor., 7:00 p.m. Wed. Prayer; Youth Mtgs. Wed.evenings 7:00 p.m.•Daniel Riggs, PastorDOVer BAPtiStDover, ky.10 am Sunday School; Morning Worship 11 am.•Levi Gallagher, PastoreWing BAPtiSt church1676 ewing rd., ewing (Fleming)Sunday School 9:45 am; Worship Service 11:00am; Children, Youth & Adult Bible Studies 5:30p.m.; Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:00 p.m.•Keith Abrams, PastorMAYSViLLe FirSt BAPtiSt church315 upper Market St., Maysville, ky.Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Worship at 10:30a.m.; Sunday Evening 6 p.m.; Wednesday night 6p.m.•Pastor, Tony LiessFLeMingSBurg BAPtiSt church1856 elizaville rd., FlemingsburgS.S. 10 am; Sun. Wor. Serv. 11 am & 6 p.m.; Wed.night Prayer 7 p.m.heSeLtOn BAPtiSt churchVanceburgSun. School. 10 am; Worship. 11 am; Sun. Eve.6pm; Wed. 6pm Bible Study. •Rusty Pruitt, PastorVictOrY BAPtiSt church128 cherry grove road, FlemingsburgPh: 423-315-1778.Sun. Morn. Service - 11 a.m.• Shawn Meade, PastorFOxPOrt BAPtiSt church2048 Foxport road, Wallingford, ky.S.S. 10 am; Sun. Wor. Serv. 11 am & 6 p.m.; Wed.night Prayer 6 p.m. Everyone Welcome!Children’s church•Pastor, Harry MeadowsgeOrgetOWn BAPtiSt church794 S. Main Street, Georgetown, Oh. •937378-3587Sun. school 9:45 am; Worship 11 am; Youth Sun.eve, 6 p.m.; Sun. eve. worship 7 p.m., Wed. eve. 7p.m.; Wed. Team Kid for Children, 7 p.m.Wed.youth mtg. 7 p.m. Nursery providedgerMAntOWn BAPtiStgermantown, ky.10 am S.S.; Worship 11 am.grAce BAPtiStLewisburg, Ky. •407-3869 •742-232910 am S.S.; 11 am Worship; 6 pm Sun. Eve.; 7pm Wed. Eve.•Larry Manning, PastorLeWiSBurg BAPtiStLewisburg, ky.10 am S.S.; 11 am, 6:00 p.m. worship, 7:00 Wed.prs. & Bible Study. •Jonathan S. Groves, PastorMAY'S Lick BAPtiStMay's Lick, ky.S. S. 10 am, Worship 11 & 6:00 p.m., Wed. prayer& Bible Study 7:00 p.m. •Kevin Cornette, PastorMinerVA BAPtiSt churchMinerva, ky.10 am S.S.; 11:00 am Sun. Wor., 6 p.m. Wed. &Sun. Eve. Wor.; 6:00 p.m. Wed. B.S.•Rev. Paul GrayMt. OLiVet BAPtiSt173 north Main St. - Mt. Olivet, ky. 41064Parsonage: 606-742-5580cell: 606-375-9370harrybrooks2014@gmail.comS.S. 10 am; Worship 11 am.•Rev. Harry L. Brooks, PastorMt. PiSgAh BAPtiStLewisburg, ky.10 am, S.S.; 11 p.m., Reg. Worship Service•Randy Taylor, PastorMt. PiSgAh BAPtiStFairview, Ky. • (606) 202-1783S.S. 9:45 am; Worship Service 10:50 am; Wed.Bible Study - 7 p.m.Mt. ZiOn BAPtiSt churchMt. carmel rd., Flemingsburg, ky.Bible Study Sun. 10:00; Reg. Worship Service11:00 am•Roy E. Webb, PastorPLAinVieW BAPtiSt9633 Mason-Lewis rd., Maysville, ky.Sun. School 10:00 a.m. Morning Services 11:00a.m. Evening Services - 7:00 p.m. Weds. Prayer- 7:00 p.m.•Albert Simmons, PastorPOPLAr FLAt churchPoplar Flat rd., Lewis countyS.S. 9:30 am; Morn. Wor. 10:45 am; Evening Wor.6 p.m.; Tues. Night Prayer Meeting 7 p.m.POWerSViLLe BAPtiSt churchhwy. #10 & #19, Powersville, ky.606-735-3239Sun.School10AM; Morn.Wors.11AM;•Micah Liess, Pastor•Tom Castsslr, DeaconSecOnD BAPtiStMay's Lick, ky., 5005 raymond road10am Sunday School; 11:30am Morning Worship7:00pm Wed Prayer Line/Bible Study at 712-4321500 Access Code: 333990#•Rev. L. Rodney Bennett, PastorStOneLick BAPtiSt8323 Stonelick, rd., Maysville, kYSunday Sschool 9:45am; Sunday MorningWorship, 10:45am, Sunday Evening Worship 5pm•Norman Patterson, PastoruniOn BAPtiSt church8102 kY 344, Vanceburg, ky.Sun. Worship, 7 pm; S.S. 10 am; Wed. Bible Study7 p.m.WAShingtOn MiSSiOnArY BAPtiSt church504 clark Street, Maysville, ky.Wed. Choir Practice 7 p.m.; Wed. Bible Study 6p.m.; Sun. School 9:30 am; Church Service 11:15am•Rev. Darrell Ashby, PastorWiLLOW BAPtiSt church2535 Powersville-Willow rd.-...

Judith Johnston

Monday, November 21, 2016

Kathryn Louise Bowers.Survivors include her children, W. Tyler Clark and his Partner Derek Harrison of Innsbrück, Austria, K. Thad Clark of Bartlesville, C. Sean Clark and his wife Tisha G. of Pelham, NY, and R. Cameron Clark and his wife Alison B of Bartlesville, a brother B. Kirk Bowers and his wife, Loretta L. of Peggs and a sister Christa R. Thompson and her husband W. Craig, of Broken Arrow, and 20 grandchildren.In lieu of flowers, donations in Karen’s name may be sent to the Bartlesville Art Association, 201 S. Cherokee Ave., Bartlesville, OK 74003.A Memorial Service for Karen will be held at 11:00 am Wednesday, November 23, 2016 in the Church of Jesus Christ chapel at 1501 S. Swan Drive in Bartlesville, Oklahoma under the direction of Arnold Moore & Neekamp Funeral Home.

Jefferson, Shelby obituraries for Sept. 19: Former attorney, newspaper editor was a 'gentle giant' -

Monday, September 12, 2016

David Lloyd Miller died Sept. 15, 2014 at the age of 66.A resident of Pelham, Miller had a career as an attorney after earning his Juris Doctor from the University of Alabama School of Law in 1977.During his time in Tuscaloosa, he worked as s sportscaster for WCFT-TV and did weekly interviews with Bear Bryant and other coaching greats.He had a love of music, especially Hawaiian and gospel, and served as the Associate Pastor and Worship Minister at Community Baptist Church in Maylene.Miller also worked as the editor of the Moundville Times from 2010-2013.Lisa Rasco, his assistant at the Times, said Miller was easy to work for, and their relationship was more of a friendship more than workship."People thought with his voice he was a big gruff bear, but he had a really good heart," Rasco said.She remembered a prayer he led at her surprise birthday party at the office. "By the time he was finished, we were all crying," she said."I can't express how big his heart was," she said. "He was easygoing and laid back."He loved his Coke and Mr. Goodbars, even though...

Town of Culpeper has changed a lot since 1960 -

Monday, September 05, 2016

Culpeper Memorial Hospital (lower left) was opened.The shot faces south with Sunset Lane at the bottom of the picture and U.S. 29 the highway to the right.There is no Lake Pelham, no Holiday Inn, no Three Flags subdivision nor any of the other commercial and residential areas there now. Even the U.S. 29 Bypass was still almost a decade away.The complex to the lower right is the Northern Piedmont Electric Cooperative (Rappahannock Electric), which left this site for Lovers Lane about five years ago. The Reformation Lutheran Church is being built there now.Rappahannock Electric was built on the site of Meadowbrook Dairy, which was owned and operated by the Saunders family (Charles and Carter) and destroyed in an explosion and fire in the early 1950s.The entire area, from the bottom of the photo to the first small tree line, was part of Meadowbrook Farm. The family home, which still stands today, is in the small grove of trees just up from Rappahannock Electric and to the left of U.S. 29. What would become Laurel Street is just below it.The house at the bottom of the photo was built by Ruby Beck, who also built and operated the Boxwood House Restaurant and Motel about two miles south on U.S. 29.Beck, a self-made woman, was one of Culpeper’s most prominent black busine...