Wallingford CT Funeral Homes

Wallingford CT funeral homes provide local funeral services. Find more information about Bailey B C Funeral Home Inc , Fitzgerald Thomas E Funeral Home , In Memoriam Cemetery Associates by clicking on each funeral home listing. Send funeral flower arrangements to any Wallingford funeral home delivered by our trusted local florist.

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B.C. Bailey Funeral Home

273 South Elm Street
Wallingford, CT 06492
(203) 269-4630
B.C. Bailey Funeral Home funeral flowers

Bailey B C Funeral Home Inc

273 South Elm Street
Wallingford, CT 06492
(203) 269-4630
Bailey B C Funeral Home Inc funeral flowers

Fitzgerald Thomas E Funeral Home

809 North Main Street Extension
Wallingford, CT 06492
(203) 269-7777
Fitzgerald Thomas E Funeral Home funeral flowers

In Memoriam Cemetery Associates

18 Maplewood Avenue
Wallingford, CT 06492
(203) 269-9840
In Memoriam Cemetery Associates funeral flowers

Wallingford Cremation Service

273 South Elm Street
Wallingford, CT 06492
(203) 265-6441
Wallingford Cremation Service funeral flowers

Wallingford Funeral Home Yalesville Funeral Home

386 Main Street
Wallingford, CT 06492
(203) 269-2222
Wallingford Funeral Home Yalesville Funeral Home funeral flowers

Warren David T

809 North Main Street Extension
Wallingford, CT 06492
(203) 269-2535
Warren David T funeral flowers

Wallingford CT Obituaries and Death Notices

Fairfielder Jeanne Oakes Passes, Age 82 - HamletHub

Monday, April 03, 2017

Nancy of Marion, MA, Katherine Oakes and her husband Douglas Melville of Simsbury, CT, Michael Oakes and his wife Beth of Silver Lake, NH and Jennifer Oakes Keohane and her husband William of Wallingford, CT. She also leaves behind her beloved grandchildren, Christopher, Aaron, Elise, Jamie and Colleen Oakes and Ian and Kira Melville.Funeral services will be held on Saturday, March 18 at 10 am directly at St. Pius X Church, 834 Brookside Dr., Fairfield, CT 06824. Calling hours will be held on Friday, March 17, from 4-8 pm in the Lesko & Polke Funeral Home, 1209 Post Rd., Fairfield Center. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to St. Pius X Church or to the Gospel Light Community Church-Haiti Building Fund, c/o 222 Charles St., Bridgeport, Ct 06606.To sign an online register or to get travel directions, please visit www.LeskoPolkeFuneralHome.com...

Wallingford funeral home owner considers opening crematory - Meriden Record-Journal

Monday, March 06, 2017

WALLINGFORD — A local funeral home owner interested in opening a crematory has received approval, but has yet to find a location.The Planning and Zoning Commission approved an application last month from Matt Bailey, president of B.C. Bailey Funeral Home, to allow cremation as an acceptable land use in industrial zones, including the I-40 zone located between Route 5 and the Wilbur Cross Parkway.Bailey, a fourth generation owner, told the commission he hopes to open the crematory in town. “Our hope and goal is to keep it here in Wallingford, where our home base is and where we began,” Bailey said, adding he is only in the early stages and has yet to find a location. The funeral home, located at 273 S. Elm St., has been in Wallingford since 1879. It also has a location in Waterbury. The commission unanimously approved the regulation change to allow crematories in industrial zones. Under the change, a crematory must be located at least 500 feet from the boundary of a residential or rural...

Ronald E. Royer - Newbritainherald

Monday, January 30, 2017

Saturday, Jan. 28, at St. Patrick’s Church, 50 Church St. in Collinsville. Burial will be private.Memorial donations may be made to the American Heart Association, 5 Brookside Drive, Wallingford, CT 06492.Visit Ronald’s “Book of Memories” at www.vincentfuneralhome.com for online condolences.

HOUSE ACCOUNT - Ad from 2016-12-10 - Ledger Independent

Monday, December 12, 2016

Bible Study. •Rusty Pruitt, PastorVictOrY BAPtiSt church128 cherry grove road, FlemingsburgPh: 423-315-1778.Sun. Morn. Service - 11 a.m.• Shawn Meade, PastorFOxPOrt BAPtiSt church2048 Foxport road, Wallingford, ky.S.S. 10 am; Sun. Wor. Serv. 11 am & 6 p.m.; Wed.night Prayer 6 p.m. Everyone Welcome!Children’s church available.foxportbaptistchurch@hotmail.com•Pastor, Harry MeadowsgeOrgetOWn BAPtiSt church794 S. Main Street, Georgetown, Oh. •937378-3587Sun. school 9:45 am; Worship 11 am; Youth Sun.eve, 6 p.m.; Sun. eve. worship 7 p.m., Wed. eve. 7p.m.; Wed. Team Kid for Children, 7 p.m.Wed.youth mtg. 7 p.m. Nursery providedgerMAntOWn BAPtiStgermantown, ky.10 am S.S.; Worship 11 am.grAce BAPtiStLewisburg, Ky. •407-3869 •742-232910 am S.S.; 11 am Worship; 6 pm Sun. Eve.; 7pm Wed. Eve.•Larry Manning, PastorLeWiSBurg BAPtiStLewisburg, ky.10 am S.S.; 11 am, 6:00 p.m. worship, 7:00 Wed.prs. & Bible Study. •Jonathan S. Groves, PastorMAY'S Lick BAPtiStMay's Lick, ky.S. S. 10 am, Worship 11 & 6:00 p.m., Wed. prayer& Bible Study 7:00 p.m. •Kevin Cornette, PastorMinerVA BAPtiSt churchMinerva, ky.10 am S.S.; 11:00 am Sun. Wor., 6 p.m. Wed. &Sun. Eve. Wor.; 6:00 p.m. Wed. B.S.•Rev. Paul GrayMt. OLiVet BAPtiSt173 north Main St. - Mt. Olivet, ky. 41064Parsonage: 606-742-5580cell: 606-375-9370harrybrooks2014@gmail.comS.S. 10 am; Worship 11 am.•Rev. Harry L. Brooks, PastorMt. PiSgAh BAPtiStLewisburg, ky.10 am, S.S.; 11 p.m., Reg. Worship Service•Randy Taylor, PastorMt. PiSgAh BAPtiStFairview, Ky. • (606) 202-1783S.S. 9:45 am; Worship Service 10:50 am; Wed.Bible Study - 7 p.m.Mt. ZiOn BAPtiSt churchMt. carmel rd., Flemingsburg, ky.Bible Study Sun. 10:00; Reg. Worship Service11:00 am•Roy E. Webb, PastorPLAinVieW BAPtiSt9633 Mason-Lewis rd., Maysville, ky.Sun. School 10:00 a.m. Morning Services 11:00a.m. Evening Services - 7:00 p.m. Weds. Prayer- 7:00 p.m.•Albert Simmons, PastorPOPLAr FLAt churchPoplar Flat rd., Lewis countyS.S. 9:30 am; Morn. Wor. 10:45 am; Evening Wor.6 p.m.; Tues. Night Prayer Meeting 7 p.m.POWerSViLLe BAPtiSt churchhwy. #10 & #19, Powersville, ky.606-735-3239Sun.School10AM; Morn.Wors.11AM;•Micah Liess, Pastor•Tom Castsslr, DeaconSecOnD BAPtiStMay's Lick, ky., 5005 raymond road10am Sunday School; 11:30am Morning Worship7:00pm Wed Prayer Line/Bible Study at 712-4321500 Access Code: 333990#•Rev. L. Rodney Bennett, PastorStOneLick BAPtiSt8323 Stonelick, rd., Maysville, kYSunday Sschool 9:45am; Sunday MorningWorship, 10:45am, Sunday Evening Worship 5pm•Norman Patterson, PastoruniOn BAPtiSt church8102 kY 344, Vanceburg, ky.Sun. Worship, 7 pm; S.S. 10 am; Wed. Bible Study7 p.m.WAShingtOn MiSSiOnArY BAPtiSt church504 clark Street, Maysville, ky.Wed. Choir Practice 7 p.m.; Wed. Bible Study 6p.m.; Sun. School 9:30 am; Church Service 11:15am•Rev. Darrell Ashby, PastorWiLLOW BAPtiSt church2535 Powersville-Willow rd.-...

Death Notices published Sept. 25, 2016 - Tulsa World: Death Notices - Tulsa World

Monday, September 26, 2016

Home Chapel.Stites, Clarence Junior “Chief,” 88, retired roofer, died Friday in Okmulgee. Visitation 2-4 p.m. Sunday and service 11 a.m. Monday, both at Wright-Brown Family Funeral Home, Coweta.Wallingford, Jerry Lee “Wally,” 74, Boeing chief coordinator and Navy veteran, died Sept. 18. Memorial service 1 p.m. Saturday, Tulsa Moose Lodge. Mobley-Groesbeck, Sand Springs.Wesley, Julia M., 76, homemaker, died Friday. Services pending. Fitzgerald Southwood Colonial.STATE/AREAFuneral home, church and cemetery locations are in the city under which the death notice is listed unless otherwise noted.BartlesvilleLubensky, William Paul “Bill,” age unavailable, retired from Phillips Petroleum Co. and Army veteran, died Wednesday. Rosary 7 p.m. Monday, Stumpff Funeral Home Chapel, and funeral Mass 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, St. James Catholic Church.Rohleder, Tracy Lynn, 57, Phillips 66 financial analyst, died Monday. Memorial service 2 p.m. Saturday, Stumpff Funeral Home Chapel.Bowlin SpringsBowlin, Brenda, 65, retired from Bowlin Springs Grocery, died Thursday. Visitation 3-5 p.m. Sunday, Burckhalter Funeral Services, Vinita. Services pending.Broken ArrowJanzen, Doris M., 81, retired 3M Manufacturing administrative assistant, died Friday. Service 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, First Baptist Church. Hayhurst.CowetaDuncan, Joy Maxine, 84, died Thursday in Broken Arrow. Visitation 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, Wright-Brown Family Funeral Home, and memorial service 1 p.m. Friday, Peerless Road Church of God of Prophecy, Cleveland, Tenn.Rudd, Penny, 73, retired Facet executive secretary, died Friday. Services pending. Hayhurst, Broken Arrow.DeweyGlennester, Arthur Palmer, 84, Army veteran, died Friday. Service 2 p.m. Monday, Word of Truth Fellowship, Bartlesville. Stumpff, Bartlesville.Fort GibsonSweeney, William J. “Bill” II, 65, Windward Imaging owner, died Wednesday. Service 3 p.m. Monday, Cornerstone Funeral Home Chapel, Muskogee.InolaBlankenship, Wanda Lee (Harmon), 85, retired from Safeway, died Wednesday. Visitation 1-6 p.m. Sunday, Inola Funeral Home, and service 2 p.m. Monday, First Baptist Church.JayWilson, Betty Louise, 90, homemaker, died Thursday in Grove. Visitation 6-8 p.m. Sunday, Lawson Funeral Home, Grove, and service 1 p.m. Monday, Butler Baptist Church, Grove. Smith, Sapulpa.Park HillPorter, Glen K., 76, retired construction superintendent and veteran, died Friday. No services planned. Gary Kelley’s Add’Vantage, Tulsa.Sand SpringsKrotzer, Ramona Sue, 85, independent oil producer, died Tuesday. Visitation 1-6 p.m. Sunday and service 1:30 p.m. Monday, both at Chapman-Black Funeral Home, Cleveland.

Funeral Home Flowers

Wallingford News

Fairfielder Jeanne Oakes Passes, Age 82 - HamletHub

Monday, April 03, 2017

Nancy of Marion, MA, Katherine Oakes and her husband Douglas Melville of Simsbury, CT, Michael Oakes and his wife Beth of Silver Lake, NH and Jennifer Oakes Keohane and her husband William of Wallingford, CT. She also leaves behind her beloved grandchildren, Christopher, Aaron, Elise, Jamie and Colleen Oakes and Ian and Kira Melville.Funeral services will be held on Saturday, March 18 at 10 am directly at St. Pius X Church, 834 Brookside Dr., Fairfield, CT 06824. Calling hours will be held on Friday, March 17, from 4-8 pm in the Lesko & Polke Funeral Home, 1209 Post Rd., Fairfield Center. In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be made to St. Pius X Church or to the Gospel Light Community Church-Haiti Building Fund, c/o 222 Charles St., Bridgeport, Ct 06606.To sign an online register or to get travel directions, please visit www.LeskoPolkeFuneralHome.com...

Wallingford funeral home owner considers opening crematory - Meriden Record-Journal

Monday, March 06, 2017

WALLINGFORD — A local funeral home owner interested in opening a crematory has received approval, but has yet to find a location.The Planning and Zoning Commission approved an application last month from Matt Bailey, president of B.C. Bailey Funeral Home, to allow cremation as an acceptable land use in industrial zones, including the I-40 zone located between Route 5 and the Wilbur Cross Parkway.Bailey, a fourth generation owner, told the commission he hopes to open the crematory in town. “Our hope and goal is to keep it here in Wallingford, where our home base is and where we began,” Bailey said, adding he is only in the early stages and has yet to find a location. The funeral home, located at 273 S. Elm St., has been in Wallingford since 1879. It also has a location in Waterbury. The commission unanimously approved the regulation change to allow crematories in industrial zones. Under the change, a crematory must be located at least 500 feet from the boundary of a residential or rural...

Ronald E. Royer - Newbritainherald

Monday, January 30, 2017

Saturday, Jan. 28, at St. Patrick’s Church, 50 Church St. in Collinsville. Burial will be private.Memorial donations may be made to the American Heart Association, 5 Brookside Drive, Wallingford, CT 06492.Visit Ronald’s “Book of Memories” at www.vincentfuneralhome.com for online condolences.

HOUSE ACCOUNT - Ad from 2016-12-10 - Ledger Independent

Monday, December 12, 2016

Bible Study. •Rusty Pruitt, PastorVictOrY BAPtiSt church128 cherry grove road, FlemingsburgPh: 423-315-1778.Sun. Morn. Service - 11 a.m.• Shawn Meade, PastorFOxPOrt BAPtiSt church2048 Foxport road, Wallingford, ky.S.S. 10 am; Sun. Wor. Serv. 11 am & 6 p.m.; Wed.night Prayer 6 p.m. Everyone Welcome!Children’s church available.foxportbaptistchurch@hotmail.com•Pastor, Harry MeadowsgeOrgetOWn BAPtiSt church794 S. Main Street, Georgetown, Oh. •937378-3587Sun. school 9:45 am; Worship 11 am; Youth Sun.eve, 6 p.m.; Sun. eve. worship 7 p.m., Wed. eve. 7p.m.; Wed. Team Kid for Children, 7 p.m.Wed.youth mtg. 7 p.m. Nursery providedgerMAntOWn BAPtiStgermantown, ky.10 am S.S.; Worship 11 am.grAce BAPtiStLewisburg, Ky. •407-3869 •742-232910 am S.S.; 11 am Worship; 6 pm Sun. Eve.; 7pm Wed. Eve.•Larry Manning, PastorLeWiSBurg BAPtiStLewisburg, ky.10 am S.S.; 11 am, 6:00 p.m. worship, 7:00 Wed.prs. & Bible Study. •Jonathan S. Groves, PastorMAY'S Lick BAPtiStMay's Lick, ky.S. S. 10 am, Worship 11 & 6:00 p.m., Wed. prayer& Bible Study 7:00 p.m. •Kevin Cornette, PastorMinerVA BAPtiSt churchMinerva, ky.10 am S.S.; 11:00 am Sun. Wor., 6 p.m. Wed. &Sun. Eve. Wor.; 6:00 p.m. Wed. B.S.•Rev. Paul GrayMt. OLiVet BAPtiSt173 north Main St. - Mt. Olivet, ky. 41064Parsonage: 606-742-5580cell: 606-375-9370harrybrooks2014@gmail.comS.S. 10 am; Worship 11 am.•Rev. Harry L. Brooks, PastorMt. PiSgAh BAPtiStLewisburg, ky.10 am, S.S.; 11 p.m., Reg. Worship Service•Randy Taylor, PastorMt. PiSgAh BAPtiStFairview, Ky. • (606) 202-1783S.S. 9:45 am; Worship Service 10:50 am; Wed.Bible Study - 7 p.m.Mt. ZiOn BAPtiSt churchMt. carmel rd., Flemingsburg, ky.Bible Study Sun. 10:00; Reg. Worship Service11:00 am•Roy E. Webb, PastorPLAinVieW BAPtiSt9633 Mason-Lewis rd., Maysville, ky.Sun. School 10:00 a.m. Morning Services 11:00a.m. Evening Services - 7:00 p.m. Weds. Prayer- 7:00 p.m.•Albert Simmons, PastorPOPLAr FLAt churchPoplar Flat rd., Lewis countyS.S. 9:30 am; Morn. Wor. 10:45 am; Evening Wor.6 p.m.; Tues. Night Prayer Meeting 7 p.m.POWerSViLLe BAPtiSt churchhwy. #10 & #19, Powersville, ky.606-735-3239Sun.School10AM; Morn.Wors.11AM;•Micah Liess, Pastor•Tom Castsslr, DeaconSecOnD BAPtiStMay's Lick, ky., 5005 raymond road10am Sunday School; 11:30am Morning Worship7:00pm Wed Prayer Line/Bible Study at 712-4321500 Access Code: 333990#•Rev. L. Rodney Bennett, PastorStOneLick BAPtiSt8323 Stonelick, rd., Maysville, kYSunday Sschool 9:45am; Sunday MorningWorship, 10:45am, Sunday Evening Worship 5pm•Norman Patterson, PastoruniOn BAPtiSt church8102 kY 344, Vanceburg, ky.Sun. Worship, 7 pm; S.S. 10 am; Wed. Bible Study7 p.m.WAShingtOn MiSSiOnArY BAPtiSt church504 clark Street, Maysville, ky.Wed. Choir Practice 7 p.m.; Wed. Bible Study 6p.m.; Sun. School 9:30 am; Church Service 11:15am•Rev. Darrell Ashby, PastorWiLLOW BAPtiSt church2535 Powersville-Willow rd.-...

Death Notices published Sept. 25, 2016 - Tulsa World: Death Notices - Tulsa World

Monday, September 26, 2016

Home Chapel.Stites, Clarence Junior “Chief,” 88, retired roofer, died Friday in Okmulgee. Visitation 2-4 p.m. Sunday and service 11 a.m. Monday, both at Wright-Brown Family Funeral Home, Coweta.Wallingford, Jerry Lee “Wally,” 74, Boeing chief coordinator and Navy veteran, died Sept. 18. Memorial service 1 p.m. Saturday, Tulsa Moose Lodge. Mobley-Groesbeck, Sand Springs.Wesley, Julia M., 76, homemaker, died Friday. Services pending. Fitzgerald Southwood Colonial.STATE/AREAFuneral home, church and cemetery locations are in the city under which the death notice is listed unless otherwise noted.BartlesvilleLubensky, William Paul “Bill,” age unavailable, retired from Phillips Petroleum Co. and Army veteran, died Wednesday. Rosary 7 p.m. Monday, Stumpff Funeral Home Chapel, and funeral Mass 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, St. James Catholic Church.Rohleder, Tracy Lynn, 57, Phillips 66 financial analyst, died Monday. Memorial service 2 p.m. Saturday, Stumpff Funeral Home Chapel.Bowlin SpringsBowlin, Brenda, 65, retired from Bowlin Springs Grocery, died Thursday. Visitation 3-5 p.m. Sunday, Burckhalter Funeral Services, Vinita. Services pending.Broken ArrowJanzen, Doris M., 81, retired 3M Manufacturing administrative assistant, died Friday. Service 2:30 p.m. Wednesday, First Baptist Church. Hayhurst.CowetaDuncan, Joy Maxine, 84, died Thursday in Broken Arrow. Visitation 6-8 p.m. Tuesday, Wright-Brown Family Funeral Home, and memorial service 1 p.m. Friday, Peerless Road Church of God of Prophecy, Cleveland, Tenn.Rudd, Penny, 73, retired Facet executive secretary, died Friday. Services pending. Hayhurst, Broken Arrow.DeweyGlennester, Arthur Palmer, 84, Army veteran, died Friday. Service 2 p.m. Monday, Word of Truth Fellowship, Bartlesville. Stumpff, Bartlesville.Fort GibsonSweeney, William J. “Bill” II, 65, Windward Imaging owner, died Wednesday. Service 3 p.m. Monday, Cornerstone Funeral Home Chapel, Muskogee.InolaBlankenship, Wanda Lee (Harmon), 85, retired from Safeway, died Wednesday. Visitation 1-6 p.m. Sunday, Inola Funeral Home, and service 2 p.m. Monday, First Baptist Church.JayWilson, Betty Louise, 90, homemaker, died Thursday in Grove. Visitation 6-8 p.m. Sunday, Lawson Funeral Home, Grove, and service 1 p.m. Monday, Butler Baptist Church, Grove. Smith, Sapulpa.Park HillPorter, Glen K., 76, retired construction superintendent and veteran, died Friday. No services planned. Gary Kelley’s Add’Vantage, Tulsa.Sand SpringsKrotzer, Ramona Sue, 85, independent oil producer, died Tuesday. Visitation 1-6 p.m. Sunday and service 1:30 p.m. Monday, both at Chapman-Black Funeral Home, Cleveland.