Brooksville FL Funeral Homes

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Brewer and Sons Funeral Homes

1190 South Broad Street
Brooksville, FL 34601
(352) 799-4991
Brewer and Sons Funeral Homes funeral flowers

Brewer and Sons Funeral Homes and Cremation Services

1190 South Broad Street
Brooksville, FL 34601
(352) 796-4991
Brewer and Sons Funeral Homes and Cremation Services funeral flowers

Brooksville Cemetery

1275 Olmes Road
Brooksville, FL 34601
(352) 544-5455
Brooksville Cemetery funeral flowers

Brooksville FL Obituaries and Death Notices

HOUSE ACCOUNT - Ad from 2016-12-10 - Ledger Independent

Monday, December 12, 2016

Christ, and Youth Alive - 7 p.m.; FamilyFellowship Night - last Sunday of the month at 5p.m.; Christian Music Night - second Sunday ofthe month at 6 p.m.FirSt ASSeMBLY OF gOD230 Frankfort St., Brooksville, ky.859-356-6146S. S.10 am, Sun. Worship 11am; Prayer & BibleStudy -2nd & 4th Evening each month 6 pm•Jerry Henn, PastorFLeMingSBurg FirSt ASSeMBLY OF gOD271 Mt. Sterling Ave., Flemingsburg, KY •606849-2049Sun Ser 11:00 am; Sun. School 9:45 am; Sun.eve. worship 7 pm; Wed. nights 6 pm; Wed. nights7 pm Men’s Group/Women’s Group Bible Study•Anthony Mullins, PastorneW LiFe ASSeMBLY OF gOD7064 Orangeburg rd., Maysville, kY(5 mi. E. of Maysville, Just off AA on Rt. 1449)•Church 606-742-2430 and309 Wood St. Maysville, ky 606-564-7410Sun. Morn. Praise & Worship 10:00am, Children’sChurch (for ages 3-12) 10:00am; Sun. Even.6:00pm; Wed. 7:00pm; Youth Service- ages 13-15Wed. 7:00pm & ages 16-18 Sun. Even. afterPraise & Worship. We also have Royal Rangers,Women’s Ministry and Men’s Ministry.•Debbie Horn, PastorriPLeY ASSeMBLY OF gOD1104 S. 2nd St. ripley Oh, •937-392-9261S. Services 10 & 11 a.m.; Sun. even. 6:30 p.m.Wed. services 7 p.m.SArDiS ASSeMBLY OF gODSardis, Ky. •Pastor 859-620-1741Serv.: S. S. 10 a.m., Wor. 11 a.m., Sun. Even.6:00 p.m., Wed. 7 p.m.•Kevin Clos, PastorVictOrY ASSeMBLY OF gODtaylor Mill road Flemingsburg, ky.•606-845-1133S. S. 10 a.m., Morn. Wor. 11 a.m., Sun. Eve. 6p.m., Midweek Serv. Weds. 7 p.m.•Larry Joseph, Interim PastorbAptistABerDeen BAPtiStAberdeen, Ohio9:45 SS; Worship: 10:45 a.m., 7:00 p.m., 7:00p.m. Wed.•Phillip Huffman, PastorAuguStA BAPtiStS.S. 9:30 a.m., Morn. Worship 10:30 a.m.; Sun.eve. Wor. 6 p.m., Business meet second Sun. following wor. hour.•Bro. Tony BishopBetheL BAPtiSt501 Forest Ave.S.S. 9:30 a.m.; Wor. Ser. 11 a.m.; Prayer Meeting;Bible Study Thursdays 6:30 p.m.•Terence Taylor, PastorBrOOkSViLLe BAPtiStBrooksville, ky.9:45 am S.S.; 10:45 am Fellowship; 11:00 am6:15 p.m., Worship; Wed. 7 pm Prayer•Tony Cox, PastorcALVArY BAPtiSt410 Pelham Street - Maysville, ky.2529 ginger ridge roadManchester, Ohio 45144Phone: 937-779-910710 am S.S.; Worship,11 am; Sun. evening Worship6 p.m. at Calvary. Wed. Night Service-6 p.m. Study on revelations •Doug Shelton, PastorcentrAL BAPtiSt437 central Avenue9:30 am S.S.; 10:45 am, 6 p.m. Worship, 6:30 p.m.Wed.•Rev. Mark Powell, PastorcrOSSrOADS BAPtiSt church6957 HWY 11, Maysville, Ky. •606-301-390110:00 am S.S.; 11:00 am Morn. Wor., 7 p.m. Even.Wor., 7:00 p.m. Wed. Prayer;...

Funeral Home Flowers

Brooksville News

HOUSE ACCOUNT - Ad from 2016-12-10 - Ledger Independent

Monday, December 12, 2016

Christ, and Youth Alive - 7 p.m.; FamilyFellowship Night - last Sunday of the month at 5p.m.; Christian Music Night - second Sunday ofthe month at 6 p.m.FirSt ASSeMBLY OF gOD230 Frankfort St., Brooksville, ky.859-356-6146S. S.10 am, Sun. Worship 11am; Prayer & BibleStudy -2nd & 4th Evening each month 6 pm•Jerry Henn, PastorFLeMingSBurg FirSt ASSeMBLY OF gOD271 Mt. Sterling Ave., Flemingsburg, KY •606849-2049Sun Ser 11:00 am; Sun. School 9:45 am; Sun.eve. worship 7 pm; Wed. nights 6 pm; Wed. nights7 pm Men’s Group/Women’s Group Bible Study•Anthony Mullins, PastorneW LiFe ASSeMBLY OF gOD7064 Orangeburg rd., Maysville, kY(5 mi. E. of Maysville, Just off AA on Rt. 1449)•Church 606-742-2430 and309 Wood St. Maysville, ky 606-564-7410Sun. Morn. Praise & Worship 10:00am, Children’sChurch (for ages 3-12) 10:00am; Sun. Even.6:00pm; Wed. 7:00pm; Youth Service- ages 13-15Wed. 7:00pm & ages 16-18 Sun. Even. afterPraise & Worship. We also have Royal Rangers,Women’s Ministry and Men’s Ministry.•Debbie Horn, PastorriPLeY ASSeMBLY OF gOD1104 S. 2nd St. ripley Oh, •937-392-9261S. Services 10 & 11 a.m.; Sun. even. 6:30 p.m.Wed. services 7 p.m.SArDiS ASSeMBLY OF gODSardis, Ky. •Pastor 859-620-1741Serv.: S. S. 10 a.m., Wor. 11 a.m., Sun. Even.6:00 p.m., Wed. 7 p.m.•Kevin Clos, PastorVictOrY ASSeMBLY OF gODtaylor Mill road Flemingsburg, ky.•606-845-1133S. S. 10 a.m., Morn. Wor. 11 a.m., Sun. Eve. 6p.m., Midweek Serv. Weds. 7 p.m.•Larry Joseph, Interim PastorbAptistABerDeen BAPtiStAberdeen, Ohio9:45 SS; Worship: 10:45 a.m., 7:00 p.m., 7:00p.m. Wed.•Phillip Huffman, PastorAuguStA BAPtiStS.S. 9:30 a.m., Morn. Worship 10:30 a.m.; Sun.eve. Wor. 6 p.m., Business meet second Sun. following wor. hour.•Bro. Tony BishopBetheL BAPtiSt501 Forest Ave.S.S. 9:30 a.m.; Wor. Ser. 11 a.m.; Prayer Meeting;Bible Study Thursdays 6:30 p.m.•Terence Taylor, PastorBrOOkSViLLe BAPtiStBrooksville, ky.9:45 am S.S.; 10:45 am Fellowship; 11:00 am6:15 p.m., Worship; Wed. 7 pm Prayer•Tony Cox, PastorcALVArY BAPtiSt410 Pelham Street - Maysville, ky.2529 ginger ridge roadManchester, Ohio 45144Phone: 937-779-910710 am S.S.; Worship,11 am; Sun. evening Worship6 p.m. at Calvary. Wed. Night Service-6 p.m. Study on revelations •Doug Shelton, PastorcentrAL BAPtiSt437 central Avenue9:30 am S.S.; 10:45 am, 6 p.m. Worship, 6:30 p.m.Wed.•Rev. Mark Powell, PastorcrOSSrOADS BAPtiSt church6957 HWY 11, Maysville, Ky. •606-301-390110:00 am S.S.; 11:00 am Morn. Wor., 7 p.m. Even.Wor., 7:00 p.m. Wed. Prayer;...