Paulding Memorial Gardens
Paulding Memorial Gardens in Hiram Georgia offers local funeral services. This Funeral Home is located at 3566 Jimmy Lee Smith Parkway in Hiram, GA (Zip 30141). Find information about local funeral services, graveside services, obituaries and death notices. We believe that any information listed on this page about Paulding Memorial Gardens is accurate
when posted. To get more information about this local Funeral Home and the types of funeral service and products Paulding Memorial Gardens provide, call (770) 943-9907.
Business name:
Paulding Memorial Gardens
3566 Jimmy Lee Smith Parkway
Find driving direction and street view maps to 3566 Jimmy Lee Smith Parkway in Hiram, GA (Zip 30141) with GPS coordinates 33.8668 -84.7649. View local aerial and satelites images of Paulding Memorial Gardens and find out additional address references.
The Paulding Memorial Gardens is one of the funeral homes in Hiram, Georgia. Listed below are other nearby funeral homes, memorial chapels, cemeteries, mortuaries, and funeral service providers. Select closest funeral homes to Paulding Memorial Gardens for more information or browse by surrounding cities below.
Paulding Memorial Gardens Obituaries
Monday, September 05, 2016Lodge #139 F&AM, of Hiram, and Yaarab Shrine Temple in Atlanta. He was widely recognized for his philanthropic contributions, especially to the Shriners’ Hospitals for Children and WellStar Paulding Hospital. He was also a charter member of Paulding County Shrine Club.Mr. Hardy was a life-long resident of Paulding County and cared deeply about his community, his employees and his family. That feeling of goodwill was epitomized in his trademark slogan, "We love you and we need you!"Greater than any business achievement was his love for his family, which include his wife of 64 years, Jeanette Hardy of Hiram, GA; children, John C. & Teresa Hardy of Hiram, GA, Diane & Gene Fuller of Hiram, GA, Brenda & Terry Hillhouse of Hiram, GA, Mike & Robin Hardy of Hiram, GA, and Rene & Mike Gordon of Hiram, GA, brothers-in-law, Richard Martin of Hiram, GA, and Tony Eubanks of Douglasville, GA; grandchildren, Julie & Lee Burger of Hiram, GA, Ashley Benson of Hiram, GA, Justin & Lara Fuller of Hiram, GA, Jennifer & Mark Campbell of Hiram, GA, Natalie & Josh Higgins of Hiram, GA, Niki & Michael Hilley of Hiram, GA, Mandy & Shain Jackson of Hiram, GA, Chuck Hardy of Hiram, GA, Jeb Gordon of Hiram, GA, and John Gordon of Hiram, GA; fifteen great-grandchildren, four nieces and one nephew.Funeral services ...
Paulding Memorial Gardens Funeral Flowers
Send beautiful funeral flower arrangements to Paulding Memorial Gardens for funeral viewing,
visitation or burial service. Sympathy flowers is a beautiful and heart-felt way
to say good-bye to a cherished friend or loved one. Honor their memory and
extend your support to their grieving family with gorgeous flowers.
Funeral Flowers to Paulding Memorial Gardens