Forest Home Cemetery Inc Obituaries
Monday, March 06, 2017Saturday at the Simpson Family Funeral Home in Sheridan. Funeral services will begin at 11 a.m. at the funeral home. Graveside services will be in Forest Hill Cemetery in Stanton. Simpson Family Funeral Homes is helping to celebrate Eric’s life, K. Macklin, 81BELDING — Joan K. Macklin, 81, of Sand Lake. died Tuesday. Funeral services will be 2 p.m. Saturday at Johnson-Feuerstein Funeral Home, Belding. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday at the funeral home. A complete obituary notice will be published on Friday. Arrangements entrusted to Johnson-Feuerstein Funeral Home, Belding, F. Ranney, 93GREENVILLE — Richard F. Ranney, 93, of Greenville, died Tuesday. The family will be present Sunday at the Marshall Funeral Home, Greenville, where Richard will be in repose from 2 to 5 p.m. Funeral services with full military hon...
Monday, October 17, 2016Douglas R. Chapin, 82SHERIDAN — Douglas R. Chapin, 82, of Stanton, died Monday. Celebration of life will be from 2 to 4 p.m. Sunday at Simpson Family Funeral Home in Sheridan. Interment will be in Forest Hill Cemetery in Stanton. To leave an online condolence or share a favorite memory of Doug, go to (Gerry) A. Christiansen, 69 GREENVILLE — Gerald (Gerry) A. Christiansen, 69, longtime resident of Greenville, died Friday. A celebration of life will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Thursday at Marshall Funeral Home, Greenville. Private graveside services will be held in Forest Home Cemetery at a later date. Arrangements are by Marshall Funeral Home, Greenville. Messages of condolence may be left at Cooper, 73 SHERIDAN — Lyle Cooper, 73, died Sunday. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday at the Simpson Family Funeral Home in Sheridan. Funeral services for Lyle will be 11 a.m. Saturday at First Baptist Church in Stanton. Lyle will be laid to rest in Evergreen Township Cemetery in Sheridan. To order flowers, leave an online condolence or share a favorite memory of Lyle go to “Petey” Kiste, 82GREENVILLE — Eleanor “Petey” Kiste, 82, died Sunday. Memorial services will be 11 a.m. Wednesday at Greenville First United Methodist Church. Visitation will be from 6 to 8 p.m. today at ...
Monday, July 04, 2016Newberry Boulevard once more.Ok, back to Lincoln Village…Lincoln Village is a designated Main Street Community that is bordered by St. Josaphat’s Basilica on the east and Forest Home Cemetery on the west. In the middle of this densely populated neighborhood is Kosciusko Park.Everyone knows the location of St. Josaphat’s. If you’ve ever driven south on I-94, you’ve seen this incredibly impressive, domed structure just south of downtown Milwaukee. The outside is gorgeous, but what you really need to do is experience the inside of this building. It was built in the late 1800’s with materials from a Federal Post Office building that was being torn down in Chicago. The bricks, doors and hardware were transported to Milwaukee on 500 rail cars and painstakingly rebuilt into a whole new design on the corner of 5th and Lincoln. If you think about it, this has to be one of the first “green” or “re-use” projects on record. Designed to replicate a smaller version of St. Peter’s Basilica, this building is a testament to the commitment of the poor, struggling, mostly Polish, twelve thousand members of the parish in 1895. It served as the heart and soul of a strong, unified Polish community.There are still signs of this Polish heritage. I spent time with Jadwiga Zbik, owner of A&J Polish Deli. I was charmed and confused all at the same time. I felt like a foreigner as I looked at meats and deli items I had never seen before in my life. This deli stocks and sells 90% Polish meats, food products, magazines and wines. I asked what was the biggest selling item and was told that their fresh Polish sausage is what keeps people coming back. And I swear I was the only one not speaking Polish the day we were there. Although this neighborhood is much more diverse than it was, this Polish Deli is still a destination store and gathering center for Milwaukee areas’ large Polish population. Having been raised in an Irish-American home, I wonder what an Irish Deli would look like… One big tub of potato salad, a hunk of boiled meat and a very large beer and whiskey department?It always amazes me to speak to someone who runs a family business that has been operating for generations. I am the son of a bricklayer who was the son of a farmer, and never ever growing up was I expected to carry on my father’s work. When I asked John Rozga, owner of Rozga Funeral Home and Cremation Services, how many years he has spent in the building on 7th and Lincoln he looked and me, paused and said, “Al...