Dyersville IA Funeral Homes

Dyersville IA funeral homes provide local funeral services. Find more information about Kramer Funeral Home by clicking on each funeral home listing. Send funeral flower arrangements to any Dyersville funeral home delivered by our trusted local florist.

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Standing Sprays

Heart-felt tributes to honor a dear friend or loved one who has passed away

Kramer Funeral Home

103 5th Street Southeast
Dyersville, IA 52040
(563) 875-7121
Kramer Funeral Home funeral flowers

Reiff Funeral Homes

490 18th Avenue Southwest
Dyersville, IA 52040
(563) 875-2365
Reiff Funeral Homes funeral flowers

Dyersville IA Obituaries and Death Notices

Murphy, Rev. Mr. Thomas Anthony - Omaha World-Herald

Monday, March 27, 2017

Rory, Rowan, Reece, Reghan, Rhyann, Eva, Dylan, and Henry; and many nieces and nephews. Thomas proudly served in the United States Marine Corps. He worked as a radio announcer and news editor in Dyersville, TN and Worthington, MN. He spent 31 years working for Northern Natural Gas, 20 years as a chaplain for Bergan Mercy Hospital. He was an honorary life member of the Knights of Columbus, a member of American Legion Post #1 and a 39 year ordained permanent deacon for the Archdiocese of Omaha. VISITATION 5-7pm with a ROSARY SERVICE at 7pm Sunday, March 26 at St. Robert Bellarmine, 11802 Pacific Street. FUNERAL SERVICE 10:30am Monday, March 27 at the Church followed by burial at Resurrection Cemetery. Memorials will be directed by the family. CROSBY-BURKET FUNERAL HOME 11902 W Center Rd. 402-333-7200 www.crosby-burket.com#ndn-video-player-3.ndn_embedded .ndn_floatContainer { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; }...

Funeral Home Flowers

Dyersville News

Murphy, Rev. Mr. Thomas Anthony - Omaha World-Herald

Monday, March 27, 2017

Rory, Rowan, Reece, Reghan, Rhyann, Eva, Dylan, and Henry; and many nieces and nephews. Thomas proudly served in the United States Marine Corps. He worked as a radio announcer and news editor in Dyersville, TN and Worthington, MN. He spent 31 years working for Northern Natural Gas, 20 years as a chaplain for Bergan Mercy Hospital. He was an honorary life member of the Knights of Columbus, a member of American Legion Post #1 and a 39 year ordained permanent deacon for the Archdiocese of Omaha. VISITATION 5-7pm with a ROSARY SERVICE at 7pm Sunday, March 26 at St. Robert Bellarmine, 11802 Pacific Street. FUNERAL SERVICE 10:30am Monday, March 27 at the Church followed by burial at Resurrection Cemetery. Memorials will be directed by the family. CROSBY-BURKET FUNERAL HOME 11902 W Center Rd. 402-333-7200 www.crosby-burket.com#ndn-video-player-3.ndn_embedded .ndn_floatContainer { margin-top: 10px; margin-bottom: 20px; }...