Forest City IA Funeral Homes

Forest City IA funeral homes provide local funeral services. Find more information about Oakland Cemetery Office , Petersen Lund Funeral Home by clicking on each funeral home listing. Send funeral flower arrangements to any Forest City funeral home delivered by our trusted local florist.

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Oakland Cemetery Office

1445 Highway 69 South
Forest City, IA 50436
(641) 585-2924
Oakland Cemetery Office funeral flowers

Petersen Lund Funeral Home

505 North Clark Street
Forest City, IA 50436
(641) 585-2685
Petersen Lund Funeral Home funeral flowers

Forest City IA Obituaries and Death Notices

Funeral homes and churches offer services for Pulse shooting victims - Orlando Sentinel

Monday, July 04, 2016

A number of Central Florida churches offered free services.Florida Hospital Church in downtown Orlando, Metro Church in Winter Springs, Forest Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church in Apopka and Forest City Spanish Adventist Church in Altamonte Springs have all volunteered to conduct services at no cost.Forest Lake pastors extended their offer after hearing families were concerned churches might refuse to hold funerals for LGBT victims."I think it was a question of, 'will we be accepted at Christian churches in the area?'" said Bernie Anderson, youth pastor for the roughly 3,700-person congregation.Central Florida atheists are also stepping forward to aid families.David Williamson, founder of the Central Florida Freethought Community, said his group will cover the costs of non-religious services for any of those killed in the shooting."It's very easy to fall back on the ideas that … perhaps this is part of God's plan," Williamson said. "Those things feel really good to say and hear if you believe them, but if you don't, it's actually a painful thing.".Staff writer Linda Trischitta contributed to this or 407-420-5002 and or 407-420-5189...

WHAT'S GOING ON - Our Time Press

Monday, June 06, 2016

Anniversary at a kick-off Gala,  on June 6,  at the Brooklyn Marriott.  The BCS  Benefit  honorees are philanthropists Charles J and Irene Hamm; Chirlane McCray, NYC First Lady;  Forest City Ratner Companies;  Lanetta Darlington; and Ellen Fine Levine, BCS Vice Chair.  The BCS  works with low-income communities and promotes economic self sufficiency.  Visit CARIBBEAN AMERICANSJune is Caribbean American Heritage Month. The following is a Caribbean-American WHO’S WHO directory.LAW:   Franklyn Hernandez, Jr; Adrienne Lopez; Afua Mensah; Melanie Okpaku; Ernst Perodin;  Michele Rodney;   California AG  Kamala Harris; Nathanael WrightMEDICINE/HEALTH:  Dr. Michelle Alexander,  Dr. Samuel Daniel, Dr. John Mitchell, Eddie Mandeville,   Dr. Cheryl Smith, Dr. Kevin Martin Roslyn Woods Cabbagestalk, RN; Joycelyn Valentine, nutritionist EDUCATION:  Dr. Lorraine Monroe; Fern Khan, dean emeritus Bank Street; Professor Carole Boyce Davies,  Professor Clarence Jones,   Wanda Ballard Wingfield;  Carrie Simpson, Kenneth Thomson.ARTS/CULTURE:   Joseph Bethune;  Bette Byer;  Clifton Davis; Pearl Duncan;   Joy Elliott; Melanie Edwards;   Vy Higginsen, Anna Maria Horsford;  Queen Latifa; Debra Lee, BET;  Iyaba Ibo Mandingo; Nia Long;   Sharon Lopez, Nia Long, Hakim Mutlaq;  Anderson Pilgrim;  Jada Pinkett Smith;  Voza Rivers;  Eric Tait, Ramona Wall, Kerry Washington; Randy Weston.CORPORATE AMERICA: Ursula Burns, Xerox Chairman/CEO; George Hulse, Healthfirst; Franklyn Thomas, Ford Foundation and BedStuy Restoration.ENTREPRENEURS:  Jason Benta,  Benta’s Funeral Home;  Laurent Delly, IDEACOIL, IT company and real estate;    Bryan Benjamin, Genesis Companies, real estate;  Al Cunningham, real estate;  Eugene Giscombe Real Estate; Earl Graves, Black Enterprise;  Lowell  Hawthorne, Golden Krust;  Frank Hernandez, Tridez, Robert Horsford, Apex Building Co; Maurice Grey, Edward Sisters Realty;  Garry Johnson;  Paula Walker Madison whose family business is  Williams Group Holdings, LLC;  Roy Miller, Jamerica;   Charles Richardson; Alyah Sidberry, Cove Lounge;  Karen Soltau, real estate; Yvonne Stafford Real Estate.MEDIA:    Rushell Boone, NY1;  David Greaves, Our Time...

Funeral Home Flowers

Forest City News

Funeral homes and churches offer services for Pulse shooting victims - Orlando Sentinel

Monday, July 04, 2016

A number of Central Florida churches offered free services.Florida Hospital Church in downtown Orlando, Metro Church in Winter Springs, Forest Lake Seventh-day Adventist Church in Apopka and Forest City Spanish Adventist Church in Altamonte Springs have all volunteered to conduct services at no cost.Forest Lake pastors extended their offer after hearing families were concerned churches might refuse to hold funerals for LGBT victims."I think it was a question of, 'will we be accepted at Christian churches in the area?'" said Bernie Anderson, youth pastor for the roughly 3,700-person congregation.Central Florida atheists are also stepping forward to aid families.David Williamson, founder of the Central Florida Freethought Community, said his group will cover the costs of non-religious services for any of those killed in the shooting."It's very easy to fall back on the ideas that … perhaps this is part of God's plan," Williamson said. "Those things feel really good to say and hear if you believe them, but if you don't, it's actually a painful thing.".Staff writer Linda Trischitta contributed to this or 407-420-5002 and or 407-420-5189...

WHAT'S GOING ON - Our Time Press

Monday, June 06, 2016

Anniversary at a kick-off Gala,  on June 6,  at the Brooklyn Marriott.  The BCS  Benefit  honorees are philanthropists Charles J and Irene Hamm; Chirlane McCray, NYC First Lady;  Forest City Ratner Companies;  Lanetta Darlington; and Ellen Fine Levine, BCS Vice Chair.  The BCS  works with low-income communities and promotes economic self sufficiency.  Visit CARIBBEAN AMERICANSJune is Caribbean American Heritage Month. The following is a Caribbean-American WHO’S WHO directory.LAW:   Franklyn Hernandez, Jr; Adrienne Lopez; Afua Mensah; Melanie Okpaku; Ernst Perodin;  Michele Rodney;   California AG  Kamala Harris; Nathanael WrightMEDICINE/HEALTH:  Dr. Michelle Alexander,  Dr. Samuel Daniel, Dr. John Mitchell, Eddie Mandeville,   Dr. Cheryl Smith, Dr. Kevin Martin Roslyn Woods Cabbagestalk, RN; Joycelyn Valentine, nutritionist EDUCATION:  Dr. Lorraine Monroe; Fern Khan, dean emeritus Bank Street; Professor Carole Boyce Davies,  Professor Clarence Jones,   Wanda Ballard Wingfield;  Carrie Simpson, Kenneth Thomson.ARTS/CULTURE:   Joseph Bethune;  Bette Byer;  Clifton Davis; Pearl Duncan;   Joy Elliott; Melanie Edwards;   Vy Higginsen, Anna Maria Horsford;  Queen Latifa; Debra Lee, BET;  Iyaba Ibo Mandingo; Nia Long;   Sharon Lopez, Nia Long, Hakim Mutlaq;  Anderson Pilgrim;  Jada Pinkett Smith;  Voza Rivers;  Eric Tait, Ramona Wall, Kerry Washington; Randy Weston.CORPORATE AMERICA: Ursula Burns, Xerox Chairman/CEO; George Hulse, Healthfirst; Franklyn Thomas, Ford Foundation and BedStuy Restoration.ENTREPRENEURS:  Jason Benta,  Benta’s Funeral Home;  Laurent Delly, IDEACOIL, IT company and real estate;    Bryan Benjamin, Genesis Companies, real estate;  Al Cunningham, real estate;  Eugene Giscombe Real Estate; Earl Graves, Black Enterprise;  Lowell  Hawthorne, Golden Krust;  Frank Hernandez, Tridez, Robert Horsford, Apex Building Co; Maurice Grey, Edward Sisters Realty;  Garry Johnson;  Paula Walker Madison whose family business is  Williams Group Holdings, LLC;  Roy Miller, Jamerica;   Charles Richardson; Alyah Sidberry, Cove Lounge;  Karen Soltau, real estate; Yvonne Stafford Real Estate.MEDIA:    Rushell Boone, NY1;  David Greaves, Our Time...