Waterville ME Funeral Homes

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Fredette Paul E

8 Elm Street
Waterville, ME 04901
(207) 872-7676
Fredette Paul E funeral flowers

Redington Funeral Home

5 Park Street
Waterville, ME 04901
(207) 873-3611
Redington Funeral Home funeral flowers

Veilleux Funeral Home

8 Elm Street Suite A
Waterville, ME 04901
(207) 872-7676
Veilleux Funeral Home funeral flowers

Waterville ME Obituaries and Death Notices

Smokey the crow was Waterville's top bird - Kennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel

Monday, January 23, 2017

I received lots of interesting comments from people about their own experiences with crows, but none more compelling than the one from Nancy Foster of Waterville.She said that in the early 1950s, her cousins Joy and Lee Bureau had a pet crow named Smokey, and he was smart and mischievous and so well-known about town that when he died, his obituary appeared on the front page of the Morning Sentinel.“Smokey wreaked havoc with the police as he was always stealing parking tickets off car windows in downtown Waterville,” Foster wrote. “I remember that he would fly into Woolworth’s and pick up a sparkly bracelet and fly away. Stores back then didn’t have air conditioning — doors were commonly left open.”I had to know more about Smokey, so I called Lee Bureau and we had a good long chat about the crow, who was a celebrity in Waterville.Bureau’s sister, Joy, befriended the crow which had fallen out of a nest. She at first kept it in a cage, where she fed it and talked to it every day and taught it to say “Hello,” Bureau said. Smokey then learned other words much to the amazement of everyone, and he recognized faces, particularly those of Bureau family members.The family lived on North Street. Lee Bureau, who ...

homeowner sued over woman's fatal fall - Press Herald

Monday, December 12, 2016

The father of Stacey MacDonald has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the man who owned the Waterville home where the 33-year-old Clinton woman died nearly a year ago. She accidentally fell from the second story because a balcony hadn’t been built outside a sliding glass door.The lawsuit, filed in Kennebec County Superior Court by Willey Law Offices of Bangor on behalf of Frederick MacDonald, alleges that Robert Grenier was reckless and negligent because he “failed to block the sliding doors, warn that there was no balcony off the second-floor sliding doors, or the other reasonable actions to prevent Stacey Lynn MacDonald from opening the sliding doors and walking outside.”Phone messages left Friday at Willey Law Offices were not returned.A response to the lawsuit has not been filed in court yet. Reached by phone Friday, Grenier declined to comment but said Liberty Mutual insurance would be representing him in the civil case.MacDonald graduated from Madison Area Memorial High School and was a “dedicated, hard worker as well as a jack of all trades” who enjoyed hunting, fishin...

Funeral Home Flowers

Waterville News

Smokey the crow was Waterville's top bird - Kennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel

Monday, January 23, 2017

I received lots of interesting comments from people about their own experiences with crows, but none more compelling than the one from Nancy Foster of Waterville.She said that in the early 1950s, her cousins Joy and Lee Bureau had a pet crow named Smokey, and he was smart and mischievous and so well-known about town that when he died, his obituary appeared on the front page of the Morning Sentinel.“Smokey wreaked havoc with the police as he was always stealing parking tickets off car windows in downtown Waterville,” Foster wrote. “I remember that he would fly into Woolworth’s and pick up a sparkly bracelet and fly away. Stores back then didn’t have air conditioning — doors were commonly left open.”I had to know more about Smokey, so I called Lee Bureau and we had a good long chat about the crow, who was a celebrity in Waterville.Bureau’s sister, Joy, befriended the crow which had fallen out of a nest. She at first kept it in a cage, where she fed it and talked to it every day and taught it to say “Hello,” Bureau said. Smokey then learned other words much to the amazement of everyone, and he recognized faces, particularly those of Bureau family members.The family lived on North Street. Lee Bureau, who ...

homeowner sued over woman's fatal fall - Press Herald

Monday, December 12, 2016

The father of Stacey MacDonald has filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the man who owned the Waterville home where the 33-year-old Clinton woman died nearly a year ago. She accidentally fell from the second story because a balcony hadn’t been built outside a sliding glass door.The lawsuit, filed in Kennebec County Superior Court by Willey Law Offices of Bangor on behalf of Frederick MacDonald, alleges that Robert Grenier was reckless and negligent because he “failed to block the sliding doors, warn that there was no balcony off the second-floor sliding doors, or the other reasonable actions to prevent Stacey Lynn MacDonald from opening the sliding doors and walking outside.”Phone messages left Friday at Willey Law Offices were not returned.A response to the lawsuit has not been filed in court yet. Reached by phone Friday, Grenier declined to comment but said Liberty Mutual insurance would be representing him in the civil case.MacDonald graduated from Madison Area Memorial High School and was a “dedicated, hard worker as well as a jack of all trades” who enjoyed hunting, fishin...